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Martin’s Chicken Sausage and Granny Smith Apple Pies

1# Martin’s Chicken & Apple Sausage (Cook First)
Remove skin from sausage and cook in a pan
1 Granny Smith Apple sliced thin or diced
Pie Crust
2c gf flour blend
1 tsp salt
4 oz Kerry Gold butter
1 TB sugar
1 c ice water
1. Blend butter into flour until crumbled texture
2. add salt, sugar and slowly add water until dough forms
3. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 20 minutes while sausage cools
4. Separate dough into 4-6 balls
5. Roll out into a 4-6 inch disk on plastic wrap
Have additional flour available if sticky
6. Fill with Martin’s Chicken and Granny Smith Apple Sausage and additional diced apple
fold over to create a pocket/pie
7. Brush tops with oil, butter milk or egg wash
375* 15-20 minutes on parchment lined pan
Mascarpone Dip
1 container of mascarpone
2 T honey blended together and used for dipping your pies.

Recipe Compliments of @abcglutenfree

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